A bead is wedged in my iPhones headphone jack?

The bead was on my iPhone case and somehow it is wedged deep at the bottom of the headphone jack? It is a perfect fit for the hole and won't budge! I have tried using the hove an earring and a knitting needle no luck. I was thinking o maybe crushing the bead then it would come out but how would I do this please help

Have you tried using a pin? Maybe you could sort of coax it out.

The best is send it for repair, the whole microphone jack assembly might need to be replaced.

If I were in your situation these are the thing I might do:

If the bead is plastic, I will get a fishing hook and straighten it so it will be like a needle but of course with a barb. I'll punch the the bead with it. If the bead is hard plastic I'll heat up the hook so it will melt its way into the bead then let it cool before I pull it.

I'll get a piece of stick that could reach into the bead. Put a super glue on the tip and stick it to the bead let it dry then pull the bead out. With this option you only have 1 time to try it out and you might end up making a mess that you'll really need to send your phone for repair so be very careful not to glue part of the headphone jack.

I might insert a kid juice drink straw to the jack I'll cut it short but long enough so it can still be pulled out. This is to shield the jack inner parts while I insert my stick with super glue on the tip.

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