A Cute Guy was Staring at me?

I was on the train with my mom and sister and I noticed a pretty attractive guy on the train too. I sat not too far from him, but he could only see me from the side and I wasn't facing him. My mom had a clear view of both of us and she would look at him every now and then. I had this feeling that he was staring at me or watching me play a game on my iPhone and when I looked at the reflection from the train window I saw that he was looking at me directly through the window also, & I quickly turned away out of nervousness. When he got off the train my mom told me that he was staring at me and when she would look at him, he still had his eyes on me. I was kinda of surprised that my mom noticed and that he was actually staring at me because he was really cute lol, but I'm not sure why he was staring?

What do you think this means? Lol I probably won't see him again:/

Maybe he likes you and wile try to find you or he is a maniac and a stalker better forget him, there are a lot of cute guys out there:3

Like you said you'll prolly never see him again so who in the hell cares what it means?

Girls are cute lol

OMG someone looked at me. Lol