About iPhone without internet?

Ok I want an iPhone for the music and texting. I do not want the internet because I do not want to pay for it. So today, this girl said she has one without the internet and pays $25 a month for it. How can I do this? What company should I go through? And what is the cheapest way to buy an iPhone? Craigslist or in the service store?

Sounds like you want an iPod Touch.

You can't buy one at any AT&T store with having a Internet place

Craigslist is your friend

Pay for the phone outright.it'll cost you $700 but you won't have a contract and your monthly bill will be much smaller. I did this with my samsung galaxy note.paid $650 for the phone at an AT&T store.got the $25 a month plan. 200 talk minutes.unlimited text. I use my home Wi-Fi. Or McDonald's. You have to put out more money up front. But over the 2 years of the contract you'll save about $1, 000.
you can go on the apple website and buy an unlocked phone.

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