About my my diagnostic data. Can somebody tell me if is this normal for iPhone?
Timestamp: 1354060861207
crashReporterKey: "0c49f26949e60899db4943b66c2d02d5d692550…
isAnonymous: true
deviceConfigId: 152
investigationId: 0
model: "iPhone2, 1"
softwareBuild: "10A523"
firmwareVersion: "iBoot-1537.4.21"
basebandVersion: "05.16.07"
buildtype: "User"
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354060860977
triggerId: 458758
profileId: 152043
metricCCDiagnosticsAllowed {
allowed: true
timestamp: 1354060861125
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354063482828
triggerId: 458758
profileId: 152043
metricCCDiagnosticsAllowed {
allowed: true
timestamp: 1354063483028
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354072469708
triggerId: 458758
profileId: 152043
metricCCDiagnosticsAllowed {
allowed: true
timestamp: 1354072469877
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354077883707
triggerId: 458758
profileId: 152043
metricCCDiagnosticsAllowed {
allowed: true
timestamp: 1354077883882
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354088316363
triggerId: 589825
profileId: 152001
wifiPowerState {
timestamp: 1354088316358
powerState: true
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354088321841
triggerId: 589827
profileId: 152002
wifiAssociation {
timestamp: 1354088321841
error: 4294963391
channel: 1
signal: -45
bssid_oui: "\310\315r"
security: "WPA "
deauth_reason: 0
deauth_source_oui: "\000\000\000"
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354088317008
triggerId: 458758
profileId: 152043
metricCCDiagnosticsAllowed {
allowed: true
timestamp: 1354088317035
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354088754523
triggerId: 655363
profileId: 152008
locationUpdateSession {
timestamp: 1354088752902
timestampEnd: 1354088754381
desiredAccuracy: 1000
cellAvailable: true
wifiAvailable: true
passcodeLocked: false
airplaneMode: false
ttff: 0
ttffGps: -1
bundleid: "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Weath…
achievedAccuracy: 4186
achievedSpeed: -1
--… - .-- … -- .--…- … -- .--- .-.-- .-.-
You didn't get what I wrote, did you? It was in Morse alphabet.
Anyways, whatever you just posted looks like an alien language and the only people who can help you are the Apple geek and you can find them in Apple Stores and not here.
- Tell if my iphone battery is giving normal backup? Ok i just tested i set screen brightness to full and start browsing on 2g gprs, it gave me 2.15minute per 1 percent drainage Is this normal? All location services, background apps, push notifications were off.
- Tell if battery goes from 40 to 20 percent in 8hrs in iphone, is this normal? Actualy it drains 1percent/30mins on standby its on ios 6.1, location services, backgrounds apps, push notifications are off at night at 11.00 pm it was at 40 percent, now its mornin 7.15 am and its 19 percent, is this normal?
- Iphone 4s users please tell if its normal? If I fully charge iPhone 4s on ios 7. Set brightness about 30 percent out of hunderd percent, and start browsing, downloading, playing subway surfers continuously. Its fully discharged in 3 hrs & 15 minutes.
- Iphone 4s users please tell if its normal? - 1 IPhone 4s is on ios 7, if I completely charge it, then I set brightness about 30 percent out of hunderd percent, and start downloading, browsing, playing games continuously. And after 3hrs & 15 minute its charge is fully depleted.