Am I a bad person if I NEVER, EVER want a man in my life?

I'm not relationship material. I like being single and doing my own thing. I also am NOT a very trusting woman and I like to be secure of myself. If I saw my guy even looking at another woman, I'd be suspicious and I'd go through his stuff, check his iphones, computer, etc. I like the freedom of being single and not having the responsibilities of a relationship. I NEVER, EVER want a guy. Am I a bad person?

There's nothing wrong with that, plenty of people don't want a relationship. A relationship is a want not a need. Its not a requirement, its a choice. You can live without a relationship and still have a fun life. Everyones different and some people aren't into relationships. If anyone calls you a bad person just cause you don't like relationships then tell them to dictate somewhere else.

Not bad at all, but…

You mentioned the scenario of a dude looking at another woman and the anxiety that might bring.

How is that even a dilemma if you don't care about having a man at all, then?

It's kinda like resolving to never have a car because it might break down. You then have to walk all the time… And the very result that is feared… Not having a working car… Is the daily situation anyway.

I'm the male version of you, I don't know, because I consider myself a bad person, I mean, I'm no good as a functioning member of human society, even though I think I'm amazing.

No. Why would that make you a bad person? You just don't want a relationship, nothing wrong with that.

No you are not a bad person but you must know that you would be looked at the same way you look at men. The men would watch you seeing if you are looking at other men and they would go through your stuff too. Being paranoid about your boyfriend looking at others drawls the same kind of jealous reaction from the opposite sex. Love suffers long and does not provoke or envy another either.

Not at all does not wanting to get married equate with you being a bad person… What causes me to answer this is that you state you have a hard time Trusting Men… That you are prone to being suspicious. Being single won't stop that…

So I hope you question this decision a little more… And delve into the how come intimacy creates a problem for you so you don't fall short of reaching your potentials in love and life… WE need to Trust somebody sometime > this is an ingredient that is meant to bless us… As it acts as a powerful boost even in friendship… And other situations where Trust comes into play in life as most of life's doors are set in the hinges of Trust…

… Hugs and blessings… In your journeys.

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