Am I considered 'spoiled?
Hi I'm 18, a guy. I have a job and I bought JBL headphones, an Gold iPhone XS Max, and a 2018 MacBook Air. Does that count as spoiled? I mean, I worked hard for them. Those apple products aren't cheap!
Big hot tiddy. No one cares.
That's not what spoiled means. Spoiled is if you got all of that for free.
MAYBE BUT I DON't CARE about all that… That is good you know how to work
No you work hard so treat yourself!
BFD. You never mentioned rent, food, school, insurance, car and car expenses.
Still living with mommy?
No. It is only spoiling when your parents buy you everything under the sun. If you work hard, you should play hard, and buy yourself some nice things. I did the same thing, only I had an indoor pool installed.
You could be GIVEN those things and not be spoiled. Spoiled is an attitude. A belief that you are entitled to things just because. So are you spoiled? Not based on your question. But you should consider putting some of that hard earned money aside. Start saving money for a down payment on a home.
The money could have been better spent in getting a place of your own.
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