Am i gonna be wealthy when i grow up?
Well i wanna know if i have a chance at being a millionaire. I'm gonna be cocky for a minute. First my granda is a millionaire and he owns a yatch and a really nice house i would know because i've lived with him for awhile when i was about 6 (15 now) second he lives in Hawaii and owns 2 houses in Miami FL where i used to live. My step dad was once a millionaire but something happened that i can't tell you had to pay cancer medicine we live in a nice house and stuff and i'm 15 and have a iphone 4s and ipads and macbook pros (2 actually). Last my aunt is a eye doctor that also have a nice house
You are nothing without vision, focus, determination and as much education as you need to know the right answer when you hear it.
I have to set your straight here. You are focused/focusing. On "Their Money". Not your money. You never once said what "You" plan to do in life? What ambition do you have? Are you going to College? If so for what? You have to pave your own way in life IF you want to be a millionaire. They did not have this handed to them. They worked for it. No one gets Millionaire status stamped on their foreheads. You make it sound that way. A sense of entitlement will not get you far in life. Seriously. It is not realistic. And it is a turn off for your friends and girls when you act this way. Life.has a way of smacking you in the face and waking you up. You can go across the street and get hit by a car. Then what>? Money is not what makes a person. Substance does. You have none as of now. Get some!
Be a good kind humane being. You can get cancer. You don't know. You can't take money with you when you do go. When you love what you does not matter. Your happy.
If your money hungry. You will have bad karma. And lose it all. Humble yourself. Do some volunteer work. Your aunt. That is an eye doctor.go talk to her. She will tell you what she had to do and all the years of College to get there. You too will have to work for it like everyone else.
- Will LeBron James just grow up, seriously? I respect his game, but this man's attitude is horrible. This guy is like a spoilt brat who complains that his mother buys him an iPod touch even though he wanted an iPhone. This guy… His attitude is just childish. He complains when he is knocked down or even touched, even though he is about 60lbs heavier than everyone on the court. His attitude needs to change. The Man is 28 is turning 29 this year, you'd expect that he would be matured by now. At nearly 30 years of age.
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- People of all ages: Did people born in 1990 grow up with iPhones? Explain why or why not. The first iPhone was released in 2007. BQ: What year were you born in and did you grow up with iPhones.