Am I just not photogenic or am I just not attractive?

It's weird because I look fine when I look in the mirror and I often get compliments about my appearance but when I look at myself in a picture, I look awful! I look normal on iPhone pictures but when I look at a picture of myself on a normal digital camera, I just rather not even take pictures to begin with. I get really insecure about myself because of it. Are some people just not photogenic?

My life. I heard that when you see yourself in te mirror you're image is reversed so you get used to tht image but on pictures it's the other way around so you're not really used to yourself looking like that. Doesn't mean you're unattractive you're just not used to the way you look on photos

It sounds like your not photogenic but pretty in person, just practice taking pictures a lot and learn your angles! Also don't be to concerned about it or your going to sound conceded.

I have the same issue. The mirror says you look good but the camera says different. I also have self esteem issues. Sometimes people just look better in real life than in photos. No need to be worried about your appearance. There's always going to be something trying to take you down, but there's going to be more trying to build you up. People are going to find you beautiful no matter what. C: Now just for me to follow my own advice. -.-"

Pictures don't mean anything! I know plenty of people who are pretty and everything but just look terrible in pictures!

Same here I don't know what to do… I'm such a mess ps you are probably really pretty don't worry it's just another bump in the road and you will get through it

OMG DON't WORRY, i'm the same way, i never understood why, i realized i usually take one good picture after like a hundred, i often get compliments and i never have a problem in the mirror either, but in pictures its like OMG WTF, your not alone, i seriously thought it was just me

That's exactly my problem too. When I look at myself in the mirror, I look fine but in photos, I look AWFUL. I get compliments about my appearance too so I guess we just aren't very photogenic lol.

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