Am I wrong for not wanting to take care of a guy?

Well OK I been with this boy for almost 5years I'm going on 18 and I've been working summer jobs and a regular job he told me he doesn't wanna job that IMA support him so I lookes at him crazy I'm always buying clothes food shoes his hair done I feel like a mother more than a girlfriend
Then the other day he asks me to buy him a iPhone and that I should leave my Android &my $30 bill to go to a tmobile bill so we can have the same phone
I'm just so confused I feel like its time to cut him off but part of me telling me to stay because I love him
Then he wants a baby me being dumb in love has been trying and it ain't work so I'm glad there's no baby because I would have to take care of it by myself since he doesn't wanna work
Should I dump him or stay but just stop spending my money on him

Yes you are dumb in love, with the emphasis on being dumb. Sorry to be blunt but this guy is a loser who is using you. He's relying on your love and affection to make you want to give him stuff that you can't afford and that he should be providing for himself anyway. It's hard when you love someone to cut them adrift, but you are beginning to see the signs for yourself that things aren't right here. Whilst you go on investing in him, you are denying yourself the chance to fall for someone who will love you in return instead of using you, so be strong and show him the door.

Ask yourself Do you really love him? A relationship without love is meaningless. He has become to rely on you. He thinks that you r earning and he is just enjoying his life… This is not fair, A couple should both make it to to mend. And he is not trying. My opinion leave him he is not worth for you

Absolutely dump him! From your words, it seemed like he's just with you because you buy him stuff. I may be wrong, you can choose to stay with him but absolutely tell him you aren't buying him anything anymore. If he really loves you, which I highly doubt, he'll accept it and find another source of cash. But if he's just there for your money, he'll be the one to dump you.

Sorry if i sound harsh, but this guy is a loser, he's using you, and he has no self respect or else he would be working and providing for himself. You need to dump him like a hot rock and move on.

Do not have a baby with this guy, you will regret that for the rest of your life.