An iphone app that let's you watch dragonball, dragonballZ and gt episodes?
An iphone app that let's you watch dragonball, dragonballZ and gt episodes?
No my friend I have looked for that magical app for years and kept getting B. S screensaver apps
Crunchy roll app but you have to pay
Just watch them online, all these sites work for iPhones, iPods etc.
I watch anime on iPhone every night i know it doesn't support java but i use (you don't download you just watch it on safari: D) no need for java support: D
Here you go
LOL is that ever gonna happen XD it works for me even on iPhone but I'm not sure if there's an app, crunchyroll is one but I think you only have a trial
There's no app but i can watch on from my ipod, works perfectly! Crunchyroll doesn't have db/z/gt on that i know of, i can't seem to find it
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