Anime sites that work on iphone? is slow as *** so i refuse to watch on there it buffers every 2 seconds. And don't say crunchyroll app cus i been trying to watch dusk maiden of amnesia it on there but its all FUCKKKKED UP and its annoying the SHIT outa me. Sorry for the cursing. Ty in advance ^___^
The best one is definitely
There's a very large selection of anime and the quality is good as well.
- What's the best website to watch anime episodes on iPhone? It has to be on the iPhone where I can play it from my iPhone. Please I like to watch animes like death note, bleach, inuyasha, blue dragon, dragon ball z. And naruto, naruto shippuden, and one piece if possible. Please name many different websites.
- Most online dating sites are a scam because they are usually run by fraudsters who work in call centres. True or false? Fraudsters who work in the call centres would use photographs of women to entice unsuspecting people and tell them what they want to hear, which is a money spinner. But people who are gullible enough to subscribe are usually disappointed because the fraudsters are usually men instead of women, but they have no romantic design whatsoever. These iPhone dating apps are mostly a scam, which is a complete waste of time and money. True or false?
- Mobile dubbed anime sites for iPhone? I want to know if there are any dubbed iPhone websites out there I'm using ianime but it's bugged out at the moment so if anyone knows any other ones that'd be great
- Is there any website I can watch anime for free on a iPhone? Ik there's a lot of anime web sites but alot of them are flash play which apple doesn't support