Anyone else sick of hearing about 90's kids?
Okay, i was born in 1998 so i'm a "00's kids" and i'm So sick of hearing about the 90's kids. I'm not jealous or anything, but they act like they were a kid in the 1930's. Seriously, you weren't born that long ago, it was only about 20 years ago. And also, they completely TRASH kids of this generation. They say like "When i was a kid i played outside instead of on an iphone." "When i was a kid the only entertainment i had was a tamagotchi" or SOMETHING like that. And it's So annoying. Kids these days the 00's babies and 10's kids play outside EVERYDAY. Literally, when i look out my window i always see kids on their scooter or having a water fight or something. Kids are kids. They still have wide imaginations, you can't change that. Sure, there are new ways to have fun like ipods and computers, but that's not the ONLY thing they do. And also, you are being a hypocrite if you say they always play on their ipods and stuff, because then you go and say you had better tv shows than us and that you looovedd watching tv all the time.So, seriously. Stop being completely ignorant and trashing CHILDREN.
Lol, wait 10 years and you will get it. It's nostalgia, not arrogance.
I was born in 1956. I played with dirt and sticks. If we didn't draw blood, we weren't playing hard enough. You kids know zilch about what it's like to actually go outside. 1998? Christ. When I was your age, I'd walk down the railroad tracks at night to the trestle & catch bullfrogs. And EAT them. You get your snacks from what, McDonald's? We didn't get our first color TV until 1972. Before your Mommy & Daddy were even born.
I pity stupid kids nowadays. Y'all haven't got a clue.
You are right about kids going outside. That was really the only thing we had going as kids with wild imaginations. All these video game consoles and the internet were not quite accessible to every kid back then. But nevertheless, I had tons of fun. There was good music, movies, culture. It was a blast! We're not comparing it to the 1930s, we just miss it. It was just a very nice time and era for a kid to live through. It's nostalgic like the other person said and I would pick to live in any other time period as kid.
People can have their opinions about it however they want. We all can't think the same way about it. I think times now are a bit tough for kids and teenagers, especially with so much media and internet going on to influence them.
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