App to block someone that won't leave you alone?
I have been having calls and texts off of a creepy guy and i can't seem to shake him off! Is there an app for iphone 4s which blocks calls and texts?
Go into your phone settings and select the block number option. I hope this is enough for you.
By the way, I'm fairly certain you gave out your number or he wouldn't be calling in the first place.
The guy who said settings block is something I've never seen before and I'm an apple developer, I recommend waiting for ios 7 which will allow you to hen block anyone on phone message etc
- What happens when you block someone on an iPhone 6, and they text you or call you? Specifically, does the phone keep ringing or does it say the call can't be made? Does the text deliver and just never show up on the receiving phone, or does the sender get a message saying the text can't be sent? (The other phone is not an iPhone.)
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