Apple Iphone 5 vs Sony Xperia S? Which should i buy?

Should i buy the Iphone 5 or Sony Xperia S this Christmas? I'm a bit confused. I love gaming too!

Sony Xperia S

Iphone 5, it has more apps and has a better performance than the S, the S on the other hand, is powered by xperia, which for the most part has reconstructed IOS apps

Iphone 5

Out of those two, I would take iphone 5.
But i would recommend an Samsung Galaxy s3, it is the best phone. Better than any Smartphone.
The Galaxy s3 features:
-Quad core processor.
-Several days of battery life.
-Better camera with more features such as burst mode.
-Will soon get Android 4.1 jellybean.
-Turn by turn voice navigation (said to be superior to apple maps)
-Better Customization
-Built in FM radio
-Play videos and text at the same time.
-Micro SD card. Double your storage size.
-NFC. Use your phone as a credit card and more
-Multiple buttons.
-4.8 inch super AMOLED plus display.
-Open source market. You can download torrents and emulators.
More durable. Uses polycarbonate instead if glass.
-Thinner and lighter than the iPhone.

BTW. Samsung made many parts of the iphone e.g. Siri

IPhone 5

You can't compare iPhone 5 to Xperia S.
Sony makes very good smartphones, if you want to compare it with iPhone 5, check the Xperia T which is laso an official phone on James Bond "Skyfall"

Go for the Google NExus 4. Its a great phone. I highly recommend you to check it out. Its price is just USD349 with the specs that kills the S3. If you just want the above 2 phones, i suggest iphone 5. You like gaming, and iphone can provide you with the hardcore games that you require. ANdroid is okay, but you will get good apps slower than ios. Xperia s is a good phone, but sadly its quite outdated and there are lots of flaws in it

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