Are free iPad, iPhone, etc offers real?

I know, people often say they're a scam and not real, but I want to know, after all of the hassle of doing all of the surveys and stuff, do you eventually get your free reward? I've clicked on a couple (I know, I should be kicked off the internet) and stop after a survey or two. Has anyone ever made it to the finish line, if it even exists?


Sorry to bears it to you but they are a scam
Now please stop wasting your time on those surveys

It's never true! If it's a survey or anything! No one is gonna give you a iPad or anything n that price range! No way possible! Don't waste your time it's a scams jus to get all your personal info! N neverrrr put your credit info n over internet unless its through a secure site which you can check at!

Some probably never pay off, even those staying within the lay profit by putting up more hoops to jump through than people can manage, typically 13 different product trials, offers that add up to significant expense, those requiring you refer others who must also complete all requirements are killers.

Try a little $50 gift card offer first, the requirements are less, so you can test them out with a lower risk.

The ONLY ones that are real are those that make you participate in at least 12 sponsor offers, which is going to cost you over $5000 to do all of the offers. So you are spending $5000 on overpriced goods and services you don't need in order to qualify for that "free" iphone or ipad. And most of those sites don't' even stay open long enough for you to earn enough points