Are rats deadly when I'm sleeping?

Hi I'm 14 and just before I woke up at 2:50am here something move with a scratching noise and then I turned the light on on my phone to hear it moving faster now it's stopped my iPhone has little battery also can it kill me when in slpeepijg? Please I'm *** scared of rats

Seriously a little 4 inch rat? No it can't kill you, but if there's more than 3 maybe they can

Yea get scratched and peed on and you die of infection, and they got yellow giant teeth that can cut off your finger. Call an exterminator your traps won't work.

A rat will not hurt you. I used to have them as pets. They are actually very intelligent and make wonderful pets. I suggest you get one to get over your phobia.

No, rats can't kill you when you are asleep. They won't even bother you, but their scurrying around can make noise that might wake you.
Rats are afraid of people and if you move, they will run and hide.
Also, you iPhone is perfectly safe wile you are sleeping, you have nothing to worry about at all, and you don't have to be afraid of the little rats.

My grandmother would leave little cookie crumbs out and watch the little rats come out and eat the crumbs, and sometimes you could hear them in the walls.


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