Are the lifeproof iPhone cases any good?
Are the lifeproof iPhone cases any good?
Yea! I think they're called Otter box. Or Otter something. I was too scared in the beginning to try it but I accidentally dropped it in the toilet. It didn't leak it. You just have to secure it and make sure it's not loose.
Otterbox is a trustworthy brand, I personally haven't used it myself because of the price but I've watched some YouTube videos and it looks pretty good.
Lifeproof isn't the same as an otterbox. When I had my 4s, I had an otterbox defender case and it was great, but I couldnt afford the lifeproof. My friend had a purple one, and we took pictures underwater with it, and also gave it a bath when it got sticky food on it. Worked perfect! But I know her ex had one and was really rough with the iPhone and it failed him bc there wasa little hole in the material. His fault though.
If you can afford it, get it!
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