Best app to download music on iphone as youtube drains my battery?

Best app to download music on iphone as youtube drains my battery?


  • My iPhone 5 battery drains during lock? Whenever I sleep, I never charge my iPhone, so it's basically next to me on lock. I think I slept to it being 38%. I slept for 11 hours (yup, I'm a potato.don't worry, this was only yesterday) and the next morning, I woke to the battery being like 25%. Just wanted to know if this is normal?
  • My iPhone 4S battery drains really fast? So I got my new iPhone like 2-3 weeks ago and it has such a bad battery. It went from 59%-25% in th matter of not even 2 hours and I checked the usage at 1% and it only had about 5 hours 40 minute usage and 19 hours standby. Is there anyway I can fix this?
  • My battery on my iphone 4s drains really fast? Since i've had my iphone 4s i've noticed it has very terrible battery life and also it heats up when i play games or watch videos does anyone have any tips or advice on how to deal with this problem? Ps i already have tries turning of 3g and push mail and that to save battery but it does not have an affect
  • IPhone battery drains too quick? I'm not too sure if this has anything to do with it but my phone is unlocked and what not, but it's through straight-talk/at&t. In my opinion my battery drains far too fast, even with the background apps closed and brightness lowered and what not. I could be not using my phone and it'll drop a percent or two within 5 minutes. Any ideas of how I can fix this? By the way this is an iPhone 4S running on 4G network but most of the time wi-fi.