Best iPhone 5 Adobe Flash browser?
Yesterday I thought, gee, wouldn't it be great if I could watch AMC The Walking Dead from my super fast 4G LTE iPhone 5 to my Samsung HDTV?
Lo & behold, Apple makes a "Lightning Digital AV Adapter". Great! Or so I thought.
for $50, even though I love T. W.D., there are only 4 more episodes left. What about sports, I thought? PPV? Pacquiao fights? UFC?
Is there a great Adobe Flash browser you can recommend? Currently I'm trying "Puffin Free" app; 14 day trial period. I watched a NBA game yesterday. The l.d.av.a.isn't currently available yet at my local apple store. I know why Steve Jobs didn't want flash on our iphones. I find it uncanny my brain thought about that idea, & when I chatted w/ a Apple CSR she said that L. D.AV.A. Only came out 2 days ago. I'm really excited about this.
If I can find a solid, constant, consistant Adobe Flash based browser, I'm 99% definitely leaning on buying this new Apple L. D.AV.A.
What do you guys think?
Apple does not natively support Adobe Flash. That being said, some 3rd part browsers that you can download will support flash, though they are actually "proxy" browsers. The best one I can think of is "Cloud Browse", though I have experienced lag at times with this. Your best bet for watching Walking Dead would be to purchase and download the episodes from Itunes.
Flash is no longer supported on any mobile devices. Adobe announced this a year ago. Any sites still using it should be reworking their content to use modern open standards rather than the antiquated, battery draining, security risk known as the Flash Player.
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