Best iphone strategy games to get?
Hi I'm looking for a some great strategy games for iphone. I'm a PC gamer who has run out of time and now just got an iphone and playing games on it instead. No time to game on PC any more! There really need to be more high quality strategy games for the iphone. What are your favorite strategy games?
Get aqueduct 101 you will never finsish this game i promise
the first few levels are easy
and its free
You should get Cut The Rope, Flow, or Bejeweled Blitz. They are fun strategy games.
For 'Cut the Rope" there's a candy and ropes stuck to it. The object of the game to cut these ropes and collect stars, and then cut the rope into a little creature's mouth. You should get the paid version because it has more levels that get harder and harder. The first couple levels are a piece of cake. When you unlock other levels they get harder and harder. You must really use your brain for this game/app.
For "Flow", the object of the game is to connect two dots with matching colors, using your finger to guide it. There's a grid in which all the dots are located. You must use all the area in your grid to accomplish the the level. Again this game gets harder and harder the more further into the game you are in.
For Bejewled Blitz you must move around gems to make three of the same gem and color in a row for one mintute.
'Rick' 'Total War Battles' are awesome strategy games for iphone. Risk is really addictive iphone games. You can find more strategy games here
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