Best tablet to buy just to watch movies?

Looking at getting a tablet but the only reason I want one at all is to watch movies with it. Currently I use my iphone 4s to watch movies with can download them easy with itunes or rip them from dvd was thinking ipad mini but seems expensive at $300+ considering all I care about is being able to watch movies is there a better option? I like my iphone but the screen is just too small I like to watch movies while I do cardio at the gym or travel. The dedicated dvd players are too bulky though much cheaper just won't work with what I want to use it for.

I recommend purchasing the Kindle Fire HD 7", as this is the best quality tablet at a price of (when comparing it to others) $199.00. This is only for the 16GB, though, but the Fire HD provides a Cloud service, so you can store movies and have more on the tablet. Also, if you ever want to read a book you don't own, the Fire HD is the perfect tablet to help.

Though there's also the Fire HD 8.9", that's $299.00, which is twice as much for a slightly larger screen.

Google, sumsung, lenovo?