Blackberry Bold or iPhone 4s/5?

I need a new phone before September starts. I'd love to wait for the iPhone 5 but too bad its only coming out on the 21st of September or somewhere around. Should I get the iPhone 4s instead then? Since its been out for a while its a lot cheaper to purchase it now. Or should I get the Blackberry Bold?

I'm a texting person, a facebook, gmail, organized person. I love making notes. The thing I love about the iPhone is face time. A lot of my friends have an iPhone and if I do too then I could face time them whenever I want, blackberry doesn't have that. So yes as you might know I'm more of an iPhone person. However I do think that if I was to buy an iPhone it'd be better to just wait for the iPhone 5, but that would mean I wouldn't have a phone when school starts! What should I do? IPhone 4s, or just Blackberry?

Urgent, please!

If you want your battery to last black berry

The iPhone 4s is great, i have it and it's wonderful. It helps me with my schoolwork for college, text my friends/family way easier, Siri is such a cool thing to play around with, I have games for my 3 year old son, it does everything!

Although iPhones have FaceTime blackberrys have bbm which means you could talk to any friend with a blackberry. Personally I would go for an iPhone because blackberrys tend to have a lot more problems.

IPhone 4S. Try to find the best deal you can. When you see that Ip5 is out you can sell your 4S to get money to use for the 5, and then be set with that. The iPhone is really a great device, my girlfriend and I have been using them since the 2G phones in 2007

I love my iPhone 4s. It does a lot of stuff. And the" iPhone 5" probably won't be much different. The iPhone 4s does a lot of great stuff. And you can iMessage with your friends. Which you can only do with iPhone 4.It's really useful.

IPhone 4S definitely.

As per my personal suggestion, you should buy the Apple iPhone 4S because it is loaded with lots of latest features and technologies that seems good in the user hand and it also works on both 2G and 3G network bands and the price of it in India is at around Rs. 40, 799 that is the cheapest price at the recent time.

For more details, try to visit the given links over here

If you've seen the rumours why not wait for the iPhone 5? I'd get an old phone or a cheap PAYG phone for just two months until the iPhone 5 comes out and then get the cheapest iPhone 5 deal I could find. That way you don't have to buy a two year old iPhone (4S is basically no different to the two year old 4), or a terrible blackberry. You'd be futureproofed, have the best phone on the market and you could probably save money for it over the next two months by having a cheapo phone.

Makes sense, no?

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