Brand new iPhone 4s losing charge RAPIDLY?
So I got it for christmas and it loses charge ridiculously fast.
when I got it I didn't charge it first because it said just to sync it then use it
so I used it till it died, then fully charged
but then after that I sometimes plugged it into laptop and used at the same time.
I charge it overnight
it is 100% at 7am
yet by 3/4pm it is at 10%
I'm at school, so I barely use it! Probably used it for 2 hours altogether, just listening to some music on a 10 minute bus journey and tweeted about 3 times and send a couple of texts.
brightness is at lowest
all apps on swipe bar are crossed off
I put on flight mode when I'm in class.
Take it back to where you bought it from. Iphones use a lot of battery power so you need to charge it every day.
Your iPhone only has an 8 hr battery life. So if it was on all day, there's really nothing wrong with your phone.
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