Breast Cancer and IPhone Radiation?
I recently got an iPhone 6 Plus after having a bulky 4s for a few years. And I use it a lot more often for school and to watch YouTube videos after long days. I usually lay it on my chest or on one of my breasts standing up to see the screen better (I had clothes on of course) but I stopped after I realized it could possibly be harmful, I've been using this phone for almost a year now.
I use my phone like this pretty regularly after school, but I'm also in pretty good shape and eat right, I also have no family history of breast cancer that I'm aware of. I just turned 20 and had a breast exam done (I'm a very small A) and they didn't find anything. I will
defiantly be smater about my iPhone usage now, but will this cause a problem in the future? What can I do to prevent it? Beside not putting it on my chest of course, thanks!
Cell phones are totally safe. No, they don't cause cancer or other diseases, no, they don't have any radiation capable of doing harm.
If you were to get breast cancer, you would get it even if cell phones never existed.
The radiation coming from phones is such a small amount that using it for years in years in such a close vicinity shouldn't harm you at all.
No. You are fine. Nothing to worry about.
There have been a few cases where phone usage has been POSSIBLY linked to breast cancer.
In all cases the phone was kept in the bra and operated with a headset, actively in use for 8hrs or more a day.
Every radiation is bad. Mobile, WLAN, micro wave, laptop (vape); a desktop is "better".
People today suck toxins like a spong. Fluoride (in water or tooth paste) block the thyroid and the iodine do not come to the breast - mothers milk should be the best a baby can get… These days, it is toxic waste. Take care about a nongluten diet, nonacidic and detox with chlorella algae and coriander oil. Rise your Vitamin d level up to 90 and Let it there (blood test). Take iodine (youtube Dr.brownstein), take probiotics and NEVER get a vaccination again.
Behaving defiantly is very childish.
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