Buy the iPhone 6 or wait for the iPhone 6s?

Buy the iPhone 6 or wait for the iPhone 6s? - 1

Added (1). I currently don't have a phone I just have an iPad
And also by 6s I mean the next iPhone which may be named the iPhone 7 i don't know

You could wait forever using that logic. I was looking to buy a phone too and I would say "oh I'll just wait for the next one" and it'll turn into a cycle where I'd just not get a phone at all. You can always get the 6 and wait 2 years for the 7. Remember, it's just a phone.
-Good luck o/ Up to you.

6 now
6s in 3 months Do not wait. If you wait in the smartphone industry you will lose sight of what you are looking for and quickly become discontent. The industry changes so fast that if you sit around and wait you will soon find yourself making this decision again six months down the road. Another effect of waiting is the regret of forgoing the original and having to deal with your current phone for however long.

I was looking to buy a phone too and I would say "oh I'll just wait for the next one" and it'll turn into a cycle where I'd just not get a phone at all. You can always get the 6 and wait 2 years for the 7. Remember, it's just a phone.
-Good luck o/

Up to you.

6 now
6s in 3 months

Do not wait. If you wait in the smartphone industry you will lose sight of what you are looking for and quickly become discontent. The industry changes so fast that if you sit around and wait you will soon find yourself making this decision again six months down the road. Another effect of waiting is the regret of forgoing the original and having to deal with your current phone for however long.

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