Camera equivalent of an iPhone?

The iPhone 7 and Plus (and even the 6s and 6s Plus) have good cameras. What would you say is the stand-alone camera equivalent to these cell phone cameras? Something like a good point and shoot or something better? I'm looking mainly for strong low-light and dynamic range performance as opposed to daytime "tourist" shots. Thanks!

Added (1). Brands names and models would help, thanks!

I guess the best strategy would be to look up any camera that at least matches those specs. Though iPhone cameras are pretty good, a dedicated camera in most instances, is still better.

To have a noticeable difference in image quality requires a camera with a much larger physical size sensor (forget the idea that cramming more megapixels is what its about. It's the space between the little light receptors and cleanness of the processing that matters). Any compact camera with an optical zoom lens will beat a smart phone which has to crop and expand the middle of the displayed image in order to zoom.

So start with the Canon G9X and others in that sequence. Or the Sony RX100 series.
Better are the Panasonic and Olympus compact system cameras with the larger M4:3 sensor.
Better than those are the Sony Compact System cameras with larger-still APS-C sensors. Then the basic DSLRs. The next jump in sensor size is to 35mm which pros tend to use. 30+ MP on those are still well spaced apart.

Note that no phone camera has an optical zoom, thus any "zoom" facilities offered are really "crop" facilities, which throw away the outside parts of a photo, and thus reduce the resolution and image quality.

Thus, in some ways, the cameras in phones are very basic "compact" cameras".

Nonewhatsoever. Cameras can't make calls or do messages.

You seem to be very attached to your iPhone. You won't be satisfied with a real camera. Stick to your phone.