Can a hacker access your iphone if they don't know your apple ID?
Can a hacker access your iphone if they don't know your apple ID?
If you are using an unsecured internet connection, then yes. And it's frighteningly easy to do it. Make sure that you never give personal information over a standard "http" internet page. If you are logging into facebook or something, then make sure that the login page is labeled as "https". The "s" is the secure part.
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- IPhone 6s plus or 7 plus. I know the prices and what they do. But what I wanted to know is Did the 7 fix the home button problem? That s my main worry. I use my phone to text, check facebook, candy crush, look up info, and take the odd picture… Will I notice the difference between the two phones to be willing to pay more for the 7? Hoping for opinions for 6s plus and 7 plus from past of present owners.