Can any shops cut my sim card into a Microsim?
I'm getting an iPhone on Saturday, but my current sim card is regular size, so I was wondering, are there any shops (Preferably in London) that can cut my sim card into a Microsim? (I heard Carphone Warehouse do, but wasn't to sure… )
Thanks in advance!
Added (1). I'm not too good at cutting the sims myself… I have tried, without success…
I know a few people who had cut their own sim!
Yes, it may risk of broken the SIM Card. But why not buy a micro SIM directly?
Just get a new SIM.
for a new iPhone the shop should at least 'give' you one
or alternatively get a 'free' PAYG one
power it up and get a phone No for it
then ring up the network/talk to the shop and they can move your old Number/contract to it
(and once you explain that, they will give you a free uSIM anyway!)
Or see the t-mobile FREE PAYG iPhone SIM, free internet for a year
(text from your iPhone to enable the offer)
you can get a special cutter from ebay for 2 pounds (P&P free)
or any market stall should do it for less than that.
or you can get a ebay cutter and start your own service.
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