Can blackberry charger work fine with iphone 4s?

Can blackberry charger work fine with iphone 4s? - 1

Added (1). I bought a used iphone. It is unlocked and everything is fine with the phone. But that guy lied to me and gave me blackberry charger. Which looked similar. It was my first time with iphone as i'm android user so i was more focused on the phone and not the charger. But that charger does work and is charging. What do i do now. Should i get an adaptor of iphone or i can use this blackberry adaptor with iphone data cable.

Apples have their own charger, for their phones.

The charger adapters that you plug into the wall should all work the same. It doesn't matter if it's an apple or blackberry adapter, they all allow you to plug the usb cable into them. The blackberry usb cable will not work with an Iphone that has a lightning bolt usb connector, but the adapter charger should work.

Cable? No
Charging plug with iPhone cable? Sure.