Can constantly taking headphones in and out of an iphone damage the headphone imput?

I don't like to leave my headphones plugged in cuz then i can't text on the fly but when i get to where i'm going i plug my headphones back in.could this be damaging my iphones headphone jack?

No, you would have to do it thousands of times to cause any wear.

It's more likely to damage the headphones, because the strain relief where the cable meets the connector is a weak spot that gets a lot of wear.

Only if you force a plug that is too big into that little hole.

No it won't if you have a "normal use"
Companies test equipment for many days/hours. Quality control departments test your headphones, screen, controls, battery, " pretending using the equipment for consumers for more than 10 years.
lets suppose you unplug you Iphone 3 times a day (3X365)X10 years= the number of times they test materials OK to resist wear and tear.

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