Can I connect my Verizon 4 iPhone to any other company?

Can I connect my Verizon 4 iPhone to any other company?

Of course you can. All cell providers will want your money.



reason 1) Verizon/Sprint/Virgin Mobile are all CDMA wireless carriers. They all have CDMA Iphones. They will not except another iphone from another CDMA wireless carrier. You can cry all you want and threaten to blow up their headquaters. They still won't… Why? Their billing system won't allow it (master lock)

reason 2) It is true Verizon/Sprint/Virgin Mobile CDMA Iphones are Global Ready, meaning that it has both a CDMA radio (obviously since its on a CDMA carriers) and a GSM radio that needs a sim card to funciton… However, to avoid scams and unauthorized usage, Apple itself blocked all GSM frequencies from USA GSM carriers like ATT, Tmobile and STraight Talk… A CDMA Iphone will NEVER work on a USA GSM carrier… There's no hack for it… You can cry all you want and threaten to blow up their headquaters. They still won't allow it… Why? It forces you to buy another Iphone which makes Apple richer.lmao! But you can take a CDMA Iphone--- and move to another country--- it will work fine! LMAO!

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