Can I do this if I get an iphone?
I have an android phone at the moment and it's with 3, but I really want to get an iPhone 4s and I still have a year left of my contract. Could I buy an unlocked iPhone off ebay and just put my sim card from my current android phone into it and have it work normally? Would that work out? Please help, thanks
Added (1). Would I have to pay the same price per month and have the same amount of minutes?
Added (2). The micro sim isn't a problem because i have a micro sim cutter thing at home which was my brothers but he has only used it once and it worked fine in his iPhone.
Yes it would work because the contract only works with the sim card they have given
No its not possible. They're basically completely different devices.
Yes but an unlocked iphone 4s will cost $650 on ebay. Same as if you just bought an unlocked one from apple. It would probably be cheaper to terminate your contract early.
I don't think so because phones that are purchased in the internet are no contract phones and your android probably has. Well donr risk it. Either you can wait until your contract ends or just but the phone on the internet and give your current android to someone or return it. The ebay iphone will most likely have a simcard already so its no problem. Hope i helped you out!
Yes, you can. Be aware that iphones have smaller sims than many other phones. So if your have a regular size sim, you may need to trim it, otherwise it won't fit an iphone.
No, it would not work. This is because the iphone 4s uses a micro sim card and most android phones (other than the samsung galaxy s iii) use the regular sim card. Now you can make it work you will just need to first go to your phone company and get then to transfer all your info from your current sim to a new micro sim. Talk to them first to make sure they can do this (they should be able to but best to be safe) then yes you will have everything from your current plan and it will all be the same, will charge you $10 for the sim card though and they may have other fees.
Now to unlock an iphone it's usually jailbroken and this can cause problems if you ever need to reset the device, so it may be best to by one that was specified for your carrier.
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