Can i hook my iphone up to any mobile carrier?

I just bought an iphone on ebay, can i hook it up to any mobile carrier? I would like to hook it up to virgin mobile now that they have iphones

Yeah it's pretty much open to any carrier now. Previously you'd have to jailbreak it, but not anyomore.

My mom did that. If you buy your own iphone, you usually can hook it up with any one who supports the iphone. The plus side? You don't have to pay the company for the phone. Bad side? You still have to pay a monthy bill…

Yes! If your iPhone is unlocked, you can use other carriers with it. If not you should unlock, to hook it up to any mobile carrier. I unlocked my iPhone at, using Remote unlocking. By specifying your iPhone's country, IMEI and Network, you'll be able to get the unlocking service here. After unlocking you can use your iPhone with any GSM Network!