Can I make the sound come out of the bottom speaker on iPhone 7?

The keyboard clicks, when Snapchat videos play back, or when I'm playing music on Spotify, the sound comes out of the ear piece speaker. Can I make it so it comes out of the bottom speaker like it does on iPhone 6?

Comes out of both speakers for me. Maybe you have an issue with yours.

So, the iPhone 7 has speakers on the top and bottom of the phone, unlike the 6 which just had it on the bottom. You may be mistaking the sound coming from the receiver when it is really coming from the top. As far as the bottom speakers go, you may want to try making sure your software is up to date, if you are sure the sound isn't coming out of the bottom. If that doesn't work, you may need to visit an Apple Store. But, you would barely be able to hear anything if it was actually coming out of the receiver.