Can i plug my iPhone into a tablet?
IDont know how a tablet works -.- i just know they are cheaper than laptops. I just wanna know if it has a usb port so i can plug my iphone into it. I wanna be able to download real player & convert videos to mp3s from youtube & put them in my music library on my iphone. Thats all iwant it for. If it can do that irather get a tablet than spend money on a laptop ill hardley use.
Some tablets have USB ports, some don't. A few have full Windows, required for full functionality of real player, youtube, and iTunes. A cheap laptop would be a much better investment-you can get one for around $2-300. They will also be easier to use (keyboard and trackpad, rather than touch screen. A full functionality tablet will cost more like $5-600. Tablets are meant for more like a really big iPhone-not as a computer.
As I know, almost all tablet has no USB port, so you can't plug in iphone into a tablet.
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