Can I sell my iPhone 6 plus that I bought through an ATT upgrade?

I upgraded to an iPhone 6 plus through ATT. The phone is coming in a week, can I sell it on eBay for a profit? Is there anything tied into that phone prohibiting me from doing so? An activation code or perhaps something else?

Let me be more specific, I upgraded through ATT, how does a person who buys my phone activate it? With my code?

Sell whatever for what you can get. Your phone, your choice. But the ATT bill stays with you. You pay that and ATT doesn't care what you do. Stick it in a sock drawer for all they care. Best luck.

Call customer service. They will give you the answer. Sounds like a contract phone. But if it is unlocked and you paid the full price, the representative will let you know if you are free to sell the iPhone 6 plus. Ask about restrictions.

Yes but you have to finish paying your att contract