Can i transfer the music on my iphone to my itunes library?

So i have a lot of music on my phone but i got a new computer so none of it is on there, is there a way that i can get the music from my phone into my itunes or will i just lose it all?

You could try using the autoplay feature windows has when it detects your device and open it up to view files. If you find the music when you open it, copy it onto your computer and then try putting it into your itunes library.

If you purchased the music from itunes then it's easy-just go into itunes on the computer>purchased>download. If not, then special software is needed to take the stuff from the iphone and copy onto the computer. Some are free but only for a limited number of songs. Otherwise its like $20. You can download this software off the internet. And by the way, youll never be able to use autoplay to get music off an ios device. It's impossible-it will never happen.

An iPhone can be synced with only one iTunes account at a time.once you switched to a new iTunes account or a new computer. You have to authorize your iPhone to it at first, then you can upload music and video from iPhone to computer. You can use this tool that helped me before

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