Can i unlock the mobile during my contract period?

I'm using iphone and one more year to finish the contract with telestra. Can i unlock the iphone now and my network provider know that i'm unlocked. Is there any problem.

Telstra have no issue with you unlocking you iPhone.
In fact, they unlock it for you free of charge.

Just go here:

Yes you can call the service to unlock it.

Yes after you get Iphone unlocked from their network lock, the service provider will know you have unlocked your Phone from their Network. You can Unlock I-phone from Australia Telstra network very easily.Visit the site get the Remote Unlock service and unlock it from network lock easily. Then use with other GSM Network sim card in it.

You can unlock the device, however, it's not going to get you out of your contract. You'll still be responsible for whatever contract you have with that carrier.

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