Can't find an app on the appstore on iPhone?

I have been watching videos on what's on people's iphones and I've seen cool apps and most of them I could find on the appstore with no problems but a couple of them don't come up on the search even though i'm spelling them correctly. To be more specific, the apps that I can't find are Pandora (the radio app) and the fooducate app (scan items and see if they are healthy). I have a feeling its because I live in Canada and these are US Apps but thats just a thought. Please help me with this problem.

Added (1). BTW if it helps, I have the iPhone 4s. And i thought it was because i live in Canada because I can't even ask Siri to find me a place so…

Your question itself is your answer. If the apps are a particular region based, then you can't access them from any other places. Another thing might be that your OS version might not be up to date.

Pandora is only available in the US due to copyright and licensing agreements… Fooducate is the same too. See screenshot: