Can the cloud ever be destroyed or deleted? Or would that be impossible. By cloud I mean things like ICloud, azure, etc?

Can the "cloud" ever be destroyed or deleted? Or would that be impossible. By cloud I mean things like ICloud, azure, etc?

The only way you can destroy the service is if you find a way to infiltrate their server room and smash the servers.

Well technically the cloud is run on servers so it can be somewhat destroyed, but then you need to also attack the backup server too.

It's a bunch of servers in buildings. Of course it can be destroyed. The companies obviously have backups and the like, but a coordinated attack could in theory destroy lots of data, yes.

"The Cloud" is basically the Internet. Or at least one component of the Internet, the storage component of it. The Internet has lots of backup solutions available to it, therefore so does the Cloud.

At that point you are referring to a single-point of failure, or scramble for such dire event.

Answer is NO.

"The Cloud" as the term was intended is the internet itself. It refers to a constantly expanding entity that grows uncontrolled in any direction & without logic or warning.

As each computer connects to the internet it becomes another possible location for information to travel through or be stored upon, which expands the cloud.

In the way You used it above, You're asking about a "Cloud server" or cluster of them. The
se systems are just compuers running software, so technically anything You can do to Your own computer can be done to them.

The problem comes in when the wrong people get the ability to do stuff to those systems in the cluster, or if one of the systems gets access to stuff they shouldn't.

Yes, it CAN be destroyed or partially destroyed, and not necessarily by something like missiles attacking the buildings withe the server computers. A solar flare induced geomagnetic storm can and has knocked out the servers and and the internet over large areas. An electronic magnetic pulse could do that. The Carrington solar flare event in 1859 short circuited the telegraph system of the United States and took 2 and HF months to YEARS to repair. Technical obsolescence can make accessing data almost impossible. How long has it been since you used 3.5 inch floppy disk or zip drive. The text of my masters thesis is zip discs, but i no longer have a zip drive, and I will not be getting one when I replace my desktop PC.

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