Can this buyer leave me negative feedback and complain at all? EBAY?
I'm selling an iphone on ebay and I specifically said NOT OVERSEAS, it's to messy and I worry about the travel. Low and behold though the guy from another country purchases the buy it out now anyways! Saying blah blah blah please sell to me this is why I clicked buy now. Irks me when people do this because I have to ask ebay then to close the transaction, wait for a fee return and then sell again.
Being the guy said I could sell with confidence and all cause he as 100% feedback I felt obligated and then just said ok maybe I can do this. He was waiting for me to invoice after I call to have the phone unlocked, but after a sleepless night have dreams of the phone drifting off to sea or getting lost in customs I realized I really can't go through with this comfortably.
I apologized and opened a case to peacefully close the transaction saying I just don't feel comfortable shipping overseas. I'd rather do this now then invoice the guy and get flaky later then giving a return, too messy.
Can he complain or anything? I mean. No money was exchanged yet right?
I don't think there's anything he can do. Especially since you said you won't ship overseas. Just a waste of your time.
I shouldn't think they would be allowed to leave negative feedback - you clearly stated that you only sold to people in your country. If anyone is in the wrong, its the purchaser!
I sold some pants one time on Ebay and it was like 34x30 and the guy wanted that size so he bought them and then left a negative (my only one ever) because they didn't fit when he tried them on and Ebay said there's nothing you can do and they won't erase the negative and all I could do about it was explain what happened underneath his negative what happened. One good thing is after 1 year if you have no more negatives your feedback score will go back to 100%
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