Give me some advice and constructive criticism on my photos?

I'm not a professional by any means. I only use an iPhone 4S (not really interested in getting one right now) and do any editing using Camera+ and Snapseed. I want to take good pictures, and have recently been reading more about things like composition. I feel that a lot of the pictures I have taken thus far are very amateur and without much thought or feeling.

Can you give me some feedback on my pictures? To me, giving me constructive tips on how to get better (tell me what you like and what you don't like about a photo) would really help rather than just saying "these photos suck" or "these photos are awesome". I appreciate the help! Here is the link for my photos:

Finally, what are your thoughts on using an iPhone 4S for pictures? Should I be investing more money on an camera, or is an iPhone "good enough"?

Added (1). When I said not really interested in getting one right now, I was referring to an actual camera

I can't open the link.

You've got some nice, creative photos.
I'm a fan of ''Let me light up your world''.

A mixed bag. Too many to critique individually, and I have to go to work in a few minutes. I liked the toy VW about to get stepped on by the shoe., good detail and perspective. In some it seems you are beginning to think about composition., but many are TTP and random closeups The mountain landscapes were taken under flat midday lighting and thus lack contrast and depth. Unfortunately, composition and lighting are the only ways to improve if you want to use a phone to snap pictures rather than an adjustable camera. If all you want are snaps such as those you are getting now, then a phone is enough, and there's no doubt phonecams have improved somewhat. But try making an enlargement from a phone photo. You'll find it falls apart pretty quickly. Best wishes and happy shooting.

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