Can you Guess my at a loss?
So my mom is getting me a christmas present, its about three weeks before i will be opening it (on thanksgiving) and i'm curious what it is. All i know is that it is very expensive and she pre ordered it today, so it must be a limitted product, it is not an iphone, because i already have the newest one. What do you guys think
You seriously have given me no details to go off of.So, I'm just going to make up something. She got you a limited addition Cadillac! You're Welcome.
X box 360?
Ipad 3?
- Will the iPhone 5 will self destruct if you guess the pass code3 times? Some people say the iPhone 5 have a self destruct if you guess the passcode 3 times Siri will say I will now disable your iPhone good bye after she says that the phone will jump and break the screen is that true?
- My iphone 5s won't restart since I tried to update my phone with ios11 last night & I guess my phone ran out of battery in the middle When I try to turn my phone on its shows the apple logo & then a logo showing itunes with charging option comes up. I tried looking over solutions over the interent but can't find any. Is there any way I can reset my phone or sth else that can be helpful?
- Is there an app thats like a weight loss aid, but instead for gaining weight? I know its weird to see a question thats the opposite of societys wishes but i have a BMI of 16.6, which a healthy one is around 18.5. I know they have iphone/android apps that help people who are trying to lose weight, which include a tracker which foods youve eaten and how much exercise youve done. I'm looking for an app thats similar, but for gaining weight I need something like that for assistance, your help is very much appreciated
- IOS App name! Guess it please? I want to know iOS app name which fills in - _ _ _ w A _ - _ _ r _ r _ It can be - Iphone/Ipad/Itouch App Fast and Correct answer gets the Bonus Points XD _ _ _ w A _ - _ _ r _ r