Can you recover photos after you do a factory reset on your laptop?

I have an HP Stream laptop and I used to always import pictures from my iPhone on to my laptop. Around two years ago, I had to do a factory reset because I'd mistakenly deleted an important piece of software (I have no idea how or what I deleted), and after the factory reset, of course, all my pictures were deleted. I just recently found my old laptop and I was just curious if there was a way I could somehow recover all those pictures that I'd lost from that factory reset. It says on my computer that the hard drive/disk space is full- could that possibly mean it's still full of my old pictures? I had a lot… Over a thousand if I remember correctly.

Doubtful. The reset opened up all the space on the disk to be written on again with more files. If any went on top of the pictures from before the reset, they are trashed. But if you did not use the laptop after that reset, maybe some pictures can be recovered. Search Google for how and software to do it.

There are two ways of recovery your computer factory reset & refresh your pc

If you did a factory reset then
No. Once you do a factory reset they are no longer recoverable because they have been rewritten over via the factory reset to make the computer ''out of box state'' like new that why you have to install software too once the reset is done because the reset had remove all documents and software that you installed

if you did a refresh your pc
then Yes files are recoverable because documents and software were not rewritten over

If you want to recover anything, the odds of recovering it becomes less the more you use the drive where it was stored. You might try using a different computer with a USB flash drive, loading a free program onto it that "undeletes" files, and then running the program via the flash drive on the computer that was factory reset. That reduces odds of deleted files being overwritten. The computer by default won't detect the deleted files, so I don't know why it's saying the hard drive is full, but this program can find many deleted files and restore them. I've tried one called Recuva; I'm sure there are a few others, some paid, some free. That assumes there wasn't any secure erase going on with the factory reset, which I doubt there was. A secure erase would write useless data over the previous data to ensure it couldn't be recovered; the same thing happens when you, say, download a hundred large movies, as it will likely erase over some of your pictures, or even if a small 1-byte text file happened to fall in the middle of your old picture file, it would cause corruption and it might or might not be recoverable.

It was an old laptop, was reset, got used and now the disk is full, right? Your old photos have been overwritten already. No way to recover them anymore.

Contact to a pc, and try use a data recovery software to scan it.