Send video from iphone to android?

Wondering if you need a program to be able to sms or send videos from iphone to android from the iPhone camera, when the phones are not together

Couple of my friends have iphones and send me txts (sms) and pics and vids, and mine is an android so i guess the answer is yes -)

The suitable method you could use is whatsapp. You can send video to each phone using that application. Another option is to go for Dropbox another application available on the App Store and Android Market respectively

It is not possible through Bluetooth because apple is not so nice with people who don't use their products i.e Bluetooth only transfers files from apple to apple. But through third party apps you can share pictures etc. Email, sms etc will work but not Bluetooth!

No. Just email them or use an app like WhatsApp to send them.

I've used the mailVU app to do this. Easy to use and free.

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