Can you unlock an iPhone 4 and not have a data plan with AT&T?
I have several friends who have unlocked smartphones and they said they use them without a data plan, only talk and text. All of them have T-Mobile and I was wondering if I could do the same for an iPhone 4 or 4S and have a text/talk plan. I'm in a family plan and I usually get 2 year-contracts on AT&T. Is it possible?
Yes, You can unlock it at low price.
- When you have Wi-Fi and cellular data on at the same time, does it use cellular data? If I keep my cellular data on and also have my iPhone connected to Wi-Fi, will it use any of my cellular data?
- Is it possible to not have a data plan for my AT&T iPhone? I have Wi-Fi I can use almost everywhere I go, and I don't need it when I'm driving. I think having to pay that much a month for something I don't need is ridiculous. I actually have data turned off on my phone. I need it for calling and text, but not the 3G data.
- Is it possible to buy an iphone and NOT have to buy the plan? Is this possible and how? I'm trying to convince my parents to buy me an iPhone, but which one do I buy and can it be used without the plan for $40 or $30? All my friends keep saying different things and iim afraid the store will just sell me the expensive one.
- If I have Wi-Fi on my iphone and I have cellular data on do I get charges for data? For whatever crazy reason my iphone 4 won't send pics unless its over Wi-Fi through an iMessage to another iPhone or I have cellular data on to send it to a not iPhone phone. I just turned the cellular data even though I had Wi-Fi so I could send a pic. Did this cost me data?