Can you use a lost or stolen Iphone 5s Tmobile?

I have an iphone 5s and I have insurance that covers lost, stolen or damaged. So I was wondering is if I lose my phone I get a new one. But can someone use my old one?

When I set up the phone the first time. Tmobile needed the IMEI number and a different number. I think the serial.

I just wanted to know if they block lost or stolen phones. Cause to be honest I wanted to give one to my sister and I know previously you could do this and save a lot of money.

Yes someone can use the old one because they can reset the iphone and put it in their name and take all your information off and if you want a new one you can restore all your things on the new phone

NO, just surrender it the nearest police station.may the owner has reported the case.

I believe the term you are looking for is insurance fraud… You will find they take a dim view of such things.

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