Can't sign up into my hotmail account?
I tried to sign into my hotmail account on my MacBook and it said "service unavailable".So I then tried it on my iPad and my iPhone and all that came up on all 3 was "service unavailable", so I tried logging in to an old hotmail account that I no longer use and it worked fine! What is wrong with my account! I need to access my emails!
I have been trying to sign in my hotmail account many times but system keeps saying invalid password, so i tried with "forget password" and answerred secret question, system still informs incorrect answer to the question (which am sure is correct). Can you please help? What do i need to do? I believe it's a system technical problem.
This is an email i've used for +10 years and never had a problem and i've got lots of contact information and email addresses in there.
Can you please help urgently?
Well, perhaps the server you're trying to connect to is not working at the moment. The 503 "service unavailable" error is explained here:
If you are trying to connect to Hotmail, didn't Microsoft recently switch Live/Hotmail to I could be wrong but I recall reading that they switched, and when I tried to go to Live or Hotmail it switched me over to instead. Perhaps it has something to do with the switch. Maybe you have to manually update or agree to something, if you can reach your settings.
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