Cat sneezing and watery eyes?

Our 3 month old rescue cat is sneezing and has runny eyes. The drainage from the eyes is clear but I noticed when he is resting he is breathing very fast. Took him to the vet yesterday and they said he should be fine but I'm really worried about his breathing. I recorded it on my iphone and it doesn't look normal. He is very nervous around us since we just brought him home 4 days ago and eats a little here and there. Any thoughts?

He has an infection- upper respiratory- and needs to see a vet.

Your cat is sick go to a vet As soon as possible

It sounds like an upper respiratory issue, the equivalent to the dog's "kennel cough" or human cold. Go to a different vet. Don't let your cat near any other cat, for this air born virus is very contagious (if I'm thinking fo the right ailment.) he/she definitely needs to see another vet, don't go to the same one you went to for they have already shown themselves to be inattentive to details. Go As soon as possible, for if this is the "kennel cough" for cats, your cat can die from it easily, don't risk it.

Take him to vet later today at latest. There could be something wrong and its best you find out now sp they can fix it.

It definitely sounds like an Upper Respiratory Infection also know as "kennel cough"

It is very common in young shelter animals because they have weaker immune systems and are exposed to so many animals with different backgrounds.

I would take your kitty to a different vet. He needs a round of antibiotics. When my kittens had this, they were prescribed Clavimox, It is administered orally by a syringe. It works wonders!

I would be willing to bet money it has Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) and the infection has advanced because it's having trouble breathing and the eyes are runny. Take the cat to another vet. It needs antibiotics and without them it may already be too late. URI kills kittens, older cats, and cats with compromised immune system problems.

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