Compare phones please! Iphone 4s vs Droid Incredible?

I'm looking to buy a new Verizon cell phone, and I'm stuck between getting a Iphone 4s or the Droid Incredible 4g LTE. I despise the new Iphone 5 because of the size. I need something that can fit in my pocket! I'm a teenager there's a need of convenience! So I was hoping people could tell me about the phones to figure out which one better fits my needs.

I like iphone because then i could keep my itunes (from my ipod) and cheaper
I like the Driod because of the size, and the droid isn't a apple (not a huge apple fan)

Copy this:

You will regret if you not take a iPhone 5 now

Size is not the problem cause iPhone 4 and 5 only already big. Let's take iPhone 5 now

Take a look here for more choice


I saw from this link the difference between them and i think that the droid is better and the right choice for you. Hope i helped.

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